Saturday 10/15/2022 from 10:00am to 3:30pm

Frederick High School, 650 Carroll Parkway Frederick, MD 21701

Please plan ahead and register for our Health Fair. We offer FREE flu shots (limited supply) and blood work. FREE COVID vaccines available.

Register Today

Must register by October 8, 2022.
Pre-registration is required for the health fair.

Registration is Closed


The event is FREE and open to everyone! No billing or insurance is needed. Health and wellness services will be provided at no cost.


We are only able to do this with sponsorship and donation. We are as strong as the people who support us and help make what we do possible. Contribute today at

Feria de la Salud 2022

Sábado 10/15/2022 de 10:00am a 3:30pm

Frederick High School, 650 Carroll Parkway Frederick, MD 21701

Por favor planee con anticipacion y registrese para nuestra feria de salud. Ofrecemo gratuitas contra la gripe (contidad limitada) y analisis de sangre. Ofrecemo gratuitas vacunas contra el COVID straran disponible.

Registreses Hoy

Debe registrarse antes del 8 del Octobre, 2022.
Se reguiere inscripcion previa para feria de la salud.


El evento es gratuito y abierto para todos! No se necesita seguro medico los servicios de salud y beinestrar se brindaran sin costo alguno.


Solo podemos hacer esto con patrocinio y donaciones. Somos tan fuertes como las personas que nos apoyan y auudan a hacer psible lo que hacemos. Contribuya hoy en